Wednesday 10 November 2010

Will Smith makes his kids to read Rich Dad Poor Dad

Haven't updated my blog for awhile, so will do it more often again. Interesting video that Will Smith makes his kids read Rich Dad poor dad.

Friday 6 August 2010

Decision and Persistence

Some of you might ask what is the key to success? 

There are many factors that can bring success. But the answer i hear many times from people who are wealthy or successful is Persistence. But first for many people would be to make a definate Decision.

Many times I have seen people, including myself missing opportunities because we couldn't decide and often fail to persist (to carry on).

Imagine if you are at a cross road and you don't decide which direction to go then you will never get anywhere. Whether you choose to go left, straight on or go right (could be right or wrong) at least you made a decision. Along the road or journey you will learn many things.

Also how many new year resolution have you made? But failed to follow through and persist to what you want to achieve. It envolves decision and persistence.
Decision i would say also include choosing a destination, if you are on the road without a destination, then you are just wondering around aimlessly.

Say if you plan to go from Leeds to Scotland, you will get a map or nowadays uses tom tom. You can then  figure out where you are and where you want to get to, you can then choose the fastest route or the shortest route. And sometimes you might take a wrong turn (even tomtom shows you wrong direction sometimes) you can replan/recalculates then try out new routes and so you will get to your destination.

Also watched karate kid on wednesday, if you fall down you rise back up. You will power to persist and carry on will help you create your achievements to get to your destination.

For me, my decision was in property investment and continue to persist in doing it. I have made lots of  right and wrong decision that created desired and undesired results. And sometimes it just don't go the way you plan. But I know that is part of my journey and one day i will reach my goals, vision and destination.

"Whether you think you can or think you can't, either way you will be right!" - Henry Ford

Monday 26 July 2010

Forex Trading New journey

Tonight me and my wife went to an introduction 2 hour Forex (Foreign Exchange) trading seminar (a form of spread betting) from Knowledge To Action (Greg Secker), the speaker Clive who came to tell us about it.

We basically learned; it is about:
  • Risk management - only risk 1% of your capital
  • Strategy & Mindset - controlling emotions (knowing when to take money, when to quit, when to trade and when not to trade)
My wife decided that she wants to learn and try out Forex trading . She has mentioned a few times that she has an interest in Forex, I think it is because she likes figures and numbers and looking at charts. Also since my wife will be starting her new journey very soon because she has taken voluntary redundancy from her job. It will be wise to learn from actual experts, before trying to trade as it can be very risky investment if you don't know what to do.

As my own main investment focus will still be property investment, but in order to support my wife's learning and her new journey, which becomes part of our new journey. We decided to use part of our cash reserves (which includes her redundancy pay) to go on the course together; my role is probably more of a supporting role but as we are learning together we should be able to discuss and make money this way as well.

Will be an interesting times ahead for us, so watch this space..!!